Friday, July 15, 2005

Why am I a Gan Cheong Spider?

ok, let me explain why I am such a gan cheong spider.

I am smart, smarter than the average guy but not as clever as a genius. Put in simply, 比上不足比下有余. So, I am given a choice: to take a step back n enjoy the life as an average guy or work like mad to chase after those 天才.

The answer is obvious, I choose the later. I am given the chance to excel n I wont give it up without a fight. They took just a week before exams to study and score straight 'A's. I took 5 weeks to study and also score straight 'A's. People who dont know me well will just say "wow, 1st class honours, genius". I just smile back at them. My true friends know the amount of sweat I put into my studies. (I just love Chinese, I wrote so much in english but 4 words in Chinese summarize all: 鸭子划水)

I have almost no personal life, hardly went out with friends or watch the TV. Others spend the weekends shopping, clubbing or chatting; I spent mine with notes, textbooks and tutorials. Generally, 勤能补拙.

Another trick is to do my stuff fast. My normal pace of walking is a slow jog to others. When I walk fast, they have to run to catch up w me. Swee Jin and Zhi Li will know. People spend 10 mins walking from the LT to the canteen, 10 mins to wait for a table, 10 mins to queue for food, 30 mins to finish the meal; a total of 1 hrs gone. I take 2 mins to walk from the LT to the canteen, 0 mins to wait for a table (cos I am the few to leave the LT first), 1 mins to queue for food (cos I always queue at the shortest queue) and 3 mins to finish my food (eat fast, a skill picked up during NSF); I am normally back to E2 in last than 10 mins.

These methods work for my undergraduates years. But it seems to be failing for my masters. Cos the workload are too heavy for me to 勤. Only a hardworking genius can understand all the stuff taught. This is why I am feeling the heat and almost drowning. But I will press on. I wont give up w/o a fight. 未经一番寒彻骨 焉得梅花扑鼻香.

PS: I have no 深仇大恨 towards genius. Many of them are my friends, some close friends. That is just life, there will always be pple who are smarter than u. They set my benchmark and I look towards them for encouragement.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

u r very smart already. n dun let too much studying make u go nuts.

4:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i like ur motivation n perseverance! jia you!!

11:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you reap what you sow..... n i m sure u have a fruitful harvest!

11:18 PM  

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