Sunday, December 25, 2005

Christmas eve

Technically, today is already Christmas.

Recalled that last christmas eve i was at home, facing the PC, running simulations for my fyp. Recalled that there are only 3 pc in use, other than mine, compared to the normal 18 at night. As normal, work throughtout the night and sleep in the morning on Christmas day.

Tonight, I am alone in my room (my bro in NZ), suposed to be reading and coding my Masters project. JJ ask me for overnight mah jong. refused cos need to do work. Actually, the whole day other than reading thro patera notes, did almost nothing. Patera instructions are a few pages long, but i dont ustd. sorry prof, still havent figure out how to apply fea to hyperbolic eq.

spent the night reading 3 chapters of 七剑下天山.

Another reason for saying no to JJ is that i feel that i am spending alot of time with the class. will be spending time together again in MIT. I shld spend some time w my family n other friends.

Most impt, need some time alone. Spent alot of time recently thinking about what i did and what i did not do over the year. If I got the mood and time, i will write it out. Beware, very long and boring.

Nevertheless, Merry Christmas to all!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i'm sorry if u didn't like mie posts. sorry:(

3:04 PM  

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