Sunday, December 25, 2005


share what is expected if having lunch/dinner with my family...

1. prepare the table. all (except my grandparents and my dad n uncles) are expected to help, wash the chopsticks, spoons, 添饭,开饭,搬菜。。。Never never compress the rice into the bowl.

2. get my grandparents out for lunch/dinner.

3. wait for all to arrive at table before eating (notice that this is somewhat missing in recent years)

4. 叫人吃饭(most impt) if my whole extended family is here, i have to call this whole string of words before eating (爷爷奶奶吃饭,姑妈姑丈吃饭,father mother 吃饭,小姑小姑丈吃饭,表姐表姐夫吃饭)。Recall that this is a very impt part of eating rituals. when we were young, will get scolding if we forgot.

5. Cannot hold chopsticks in one hand and spoon in the other. must put down the chopsticks if u need to use the spoon. only exception is when u need both spoon n chopstick to get food.

6. Must use the hand not holding chopsticks to hold the bowl. that hand must hold the bowl in such a way that u r holding both the side n bottom of the bowl.

7. Never support your head w your hand during meals. Not possible if item 6 is carried out.

8. drinking soup shld not have any noise.

9. spoons and chopsticks must not be poking into the bowl.

10. 淋汁is allow but not at the start of the meal, esp not allowed when u finish all the 汁. (somewhat relaxed over the years)

11. When eating, get the food from the dish and put them onto the bowl. then scope it with rice into the mouth. Not allowed to get the food directly from the dish and into the mouth.

12. Consider a dish, food all around. but u can only get the food that is on the side of the dish that is closest to u. If your fav food is at the other end, too bad. (somewhat relaxed over the years)

13. when getting food, just get what u want n dont mess up the whole dish. Very hard to achieve in practise esp when eating streamed fish. Recall that only my grandpa can achieve it by eating all the meat on 1 side and then remove the sketelon away and continue to eat the other side.

14. wrt to item 13, no nice to flip the fish over during meal. (relaxed over the years cos in practise, no flipping = no eating of the other side)

15. Must finished all rice in the bowl, till the last drop.

16. Remember that my dad will scold if our legs move all over the place under the table. he expected our legs to be stationary since we dont need the legs to eat food.

17. must learn to hold the chopstick properly. u got it right if u can let the 2 chopsticks cress-cross each other. (missing in practise, my bro cant do it)

18. finished eating, collect the bones, put into the bowl, put bowl, spoon n chopsticks into the kitchen. Throw the bones into the bin and place the rest in the sink.

My mum n grandma can cook really good food. But it is pretty stressful to eat with my family. cos 规矩一大堆。:p


Anonymous Anonymous said...

can you stop trying to delete the comments some interesting people have posted? they are nice enough to even bother to visit your blog. be more appreciative. oh wells. anw your blog's QUITE COOL. i mean only the chinese part((:

2:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i noe u r going to delete this post. but i'm glad u read it.
you're shld b open to comments.
keep up ur gd wrk! :>

3:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

wah... sounds really complicated. and that is really killing my appetite.. hmmm... 真是家教森严哦
--Panda Gal

10:22 PM  

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