Saturday, December 31, 2005

Happy New Year

was reviewing what i did for the past 1 yr, listing all the not-so-good stuff i did and whether shld i improve over the next year.


remember in pri sch, we learned a lesson during chinese class where there was a scholar who was constantly keeping to the rules and making sure that he never does anything is out of bound. He kept 2 boxes, 1 box where he put a 百棋 in if he did anything good; another box where he put a 黑棋 in if he did something bad. The article end with the qn "is he doing the right thing?"

remember the class has a discussion abt it, but i cant remember what was my decision.

Remember sometime in the atheneum, JLJ was asking why i follow a strict way of the 儒家 way of life. I replied "先天下之忧而忧,后天下之乐而乐" JLJ replied "wont that make your life very 辛苦?"

I thou over this for a very very long time.

shld i go n become a stricter 清教徒,more boring guy。 Then i realise that that is the 1st step terrorist take. hehe

was thinking abt it for a long time.

then, i got it today, while i was bathing today.


recalled what i learned from 老子,道德经. the difference between 儒家 n 道家。 China have an undisturbed 2000+ year of civilization because the politicans know when to gover a country, there are 3 main stages: 马上得天下,儒家有为而治,道家无为而治。 esp the last 2, toggle b/w this 2 to ensure propersity.

what does that mean?

continue to be who I am. Follow rules of 儒家, but with the aim that they shld be discard eventually.

much better now that i sort this out.

Just in time for the new year. Cheers!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, More like Chinese than Chinese!
Better than "先天下之忧而忧,后天下之乐而乐", I like another sentence "穷则独善其身,达则兼济天下", which sounds not so 辛苦。

11:37 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

有为始,无为终。sounds so 禅 to me. my way of life is more simple... 岂可尽如人意,但求无愧于心。

7:44 PM  

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