15 Aug

SJ said blog not pic enough. this is where i am stay presently for the past 2 yrs or so.
all of the sudden, alot of pple very curious to know what i am writing on my blog. Well, then i shall write some very boring stuff, to turn everybody asleep.
Yesterday was 15 Aug, the 60th anniversary of WWII and Japanese Occupation. Anti-Japanese mood still runs high in China and Korea. Su Hua and Men Han were jokingly upset when they saw me wearing the Japan Soccer National Team jersey.
I stayed in Tokyo for 6 mths for internship in uni yr 3. I visited the 靖国神社, Yasukuni Shrine before. Let me share what insight i got from my 6 mths there.
The young adults in tokyo dont care much abt the WWII history. I remember in Mar or Apr, Japan has a public holiday, something like national day. I asked my co-workers how do japanese celebrate that day. Nothing they told me. If u want, the imperial garden is open to visitors and if u r lucky, u can see the emperor and empress standing at the balcony, waving at u. They told me that they have never visited the imperial garden on that day. Their reply was "what is there to see, only an old couple waving at u."
They dont have much concern n respect for the imperial family. To me , 14 Feb and 14 Mar are much more celebrated then the "national day".
The older generation are more conservative. I remember my supvr telling me abt the self defense force. He was very happy n proud n corrected me that it is now called army. 50+ guy, the last of the old thinking gp. other than that, he is a very very nice guy.
I went to 靖国神社, Yasukuni Shrine during the hanami, sakura session. If i remember correctly, a tree in yasukuni shrine mark the official date of the sakura session. Only when that cherry tree bosoms will hanami kick in. I remember that was a sunday, i went into the outer yard of the shrine and look ard. normal japanese shrine, except that the door has chrysathemum symbol, the mark of the imperial family. there was songs n radio n stuff but i dont ustd japanese. I see nobody moving into the inner of the shrine.
I also saw something "interesting". An old man, dress in military uniform (karki in colour), holding the japanese military flag (raising sun with rays) and parading ard the outer yard. Kanji words were written on the flag, "日本军国主义之魂不灭".
but nobody care abt him. Most of the happening stuff are outside the shrine. where all the food n fun n games are. it is like a funfair outside the shrine n that is where most young pple are.
My view of the japanese are, most young pple are much more concern abt the their future and fun. Political and history are history. who is right n who is wrong, nothing of my concern n i will take no blame for it. Most japanese are peace loving pple and want harmory with everybody. it is the conservative politicians that keep stirring up issues since that put them on the limelight.
Also, japanese vote according to who can best serve them, WWII issue is 1 but a small part. they are more concern with security and living standard. Tokyo present governor 东京都事 Shintaro Ishihara石原慎太郎 is an ultra anti chinese/korea guy. But he also got re-elected by greater than 70% of the vote. the main reason being his efficiency in keeping tokyo in order. Also, most of the young pple cant be bother to vote, my co-workers keep forgetting to vote over the past elections. 70% of those voted, n those who vote r mostly elderly.
Hence, the best thing is to reach out n be friends with japanese ordinary pple. they are very kind n friendly. Let them know more abt the history n what really happen. They will ustd.
PS: boring or not? next issue will continue to talk abt my trip to Hiroshima and Nan Jing.
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