Saturday, September 10, 2005


Finally finished reading all the zao bao that have been piling up since National Day. I read the zao bao everyday, except the exam period. Since 9 Aug, I stopped reading zao bao to mark the sign of preparing for exams.

Since 3 Sep, where unofficially the last semester ended, I have been reading back all the zao bao i missed. pple must be looking at me on the bus n mrt, thinking what is this guy doing, reading newspapers that are weeks old.

JJ and JL have wonder why my command of the Chinese language is so good. The answer is simple, I read zao bao everyday. Actually my command of Chinese is not that good. Verbal is still ok. I dont think I can write Chinese now. Since JC, Chinese has became a verbal language to me. Last year, my JC teacher asked me to write an article to recommend Mr Tan AT for the Chinese Teachers' Award or something like that. I though of what to write in Chinese, everything is planned ok, till i start writing. It was such a pain, I cant remember even the most simple Chinese characters. Checking the words in Han Yu Pin Yin is such a chore that I finally gave up. Translate my thoughts into English and type it out. Article done in 1 hr.

Not only that I read the zao bao daily, I surf too. In the past when I was freer, I read the HK Ming Pao, US NYTimes and Washington Post too. I had a cupboard of newspaper clippings that I keep since NS, they shaped my thinking and way of life. I classified then into 文化, 生活, 科技 and 政治. I now have 8 files full of them.


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