Friday, September 09, 2005


Zhuang zi used to have a dream where he dreamed that he became a butterfly. When he woke up, he wonder whether was it he dreaming himself as a butterfly or the butterfly dreaming itself to be Zhuang zi. (for more info, refer to 庄子:齐物论)

I had a dream in the atheneum last afternoon. sleeping on the chair, I found myself unable to stand up from the chair. Thought that some evil spirits were playing tricks on me and I was there chanting when all of the sudden, I woke up. There I was, wondering whether that part where I was unable to stand up from the chair, was I dreaming or was it real??

Firstly, the environment of the "dream" was exactly the same as where I was physically. Secondly, I always have a habit of able to know whether I am dreaming or not, especially those horrible dreams. I can always realise that I am dreaming and will keep telling myself in the dream "I am dreaming, quick wake up". In short, I am able to force myself to wake up when I am having bad dreams. In this "chair dream", I am not able to detect that I am dreaming.

The interesting thing is, after I woke up from this "dream", if it really is a dream, I went back to sleep. hehe, just too tired man.


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