18 Aug & 19 Aug
18 Aug, the day where the winner of channel U superstar is out. the blind guy wei lian won the male gp. after that there was a big discussion on whether he won on 同情票. What is confirm is that in term of singing, he is not as good as the other guy. But i rather believe that he won on 佩服票. The whole of singapore system is well developed and suited for the general pple and work extremely well for genius who blend perfectly into the system. for a blind guy who is out of the system and technically an outcast of society to come that far, i admired him. One thing for sure is that although he reach the finishing line later than jun yang, his starting pt is much much further compared to jun yang.
There are 2 points to take note out of this contest.
1. Singapore for all this uniform rules and regulation, give wei lian a chance of success. Politically correct will be like this: Singapore is a society that jugde ones on his own performance. Regardless of race, religion, sex or physical disabilities; as long as u r gd, u will acheive success in Singapore.
2. Wei Lian success as an underdog is a sharp contrast to the fact that president Nathan walkover in his 2nd term. No judgement made, President Nathan is a nice guy n I am sure he is n will be a good president. But wei lian success may reflect the government view that singaporeans are immature. the other guy got looks, can sing, undergrad and smart; wei lian is almost the opp. Yet he won. This must never happen to GE and this is why the rules of the GE are very strict. I agree to a certain extent. Some of us are ahead of the pack and cant expect the system to suit us n miss the majority.
19 Aug
the 15th of the lunar 7th mth, commonly known as the ghost month in chinese society. there is alot of stuff that we cannot do and there will be alot of praying and burning of hell money. the whole environment is so smoky and the grass are burned. that need to be changed. the thing abt chinese customs are they never keep up w times n keep doing stuff that are plain silly. My mum ask me to write down the name of all the past relatives on the hell money so that it will not be confused with other pple money when it is burn. funny logic right? esp when u r not writing on each notes but only the first of each stacks. i want to ask her if it is still legal tender when we write on those notes!!!! I ask her whether i need to write down the nric no or not? like that confirm wont get mix up. my mum actually think for a while n ans me, i dont know their nric no?!!?!? next time may as well stick the pic on the money notes!
there are reasons for all this customs, but we r following the customs blindly n miss out the reasons that this customs are put in initially. i will explain next time. no time already. need to rest.
siong week. dying. SJ want more pic, more pic of her. hahaha. have to wait. the whole class is swarming my blog to see if i am writing something abt it. they will be disappointed. 云雨不入襄王梦 神女不下巫峰来, google it n u all shld ustd.
my blog is very dry. cos i think alot abt very very boring stuff.

flowers that grows in my family garden. i help my ah ma on it. but now she abit no mood and i am up to my neck. so the garden is abit in a mess.
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