Cantonese Opera
I have a interest in Cantonese Opera (HM called them 粤语残片), learned it from my 2 grandmothers, both cantonese. I remember that my grandmother had a cantonese opera tape. i used to watch it almost everytime i was at my grandmother house, think have watched it no lesser than 50 times. But that was very long ago, during pri sch times, cant remember what the show was already, only remember that name was 三笑姻缘, 任剑辉 and 白雪仙 are the main actors, one of the actoress was 肥肥 沈殿霞 and there is a line in which say something like "求神 求神 诚心........ ".
This tape become my first love for cantonese opera, which i forgot all abt till JC. One night, i was watching TV with my parents n the show was 三笑姻缘, 黄梅调 style. Then i recall that tape that my grandmother had and ask my mum where it is. She replied that the tape was spolit many years ago n thrown away. That night, i decide to renew my childhood interest in cantonese opera. Luckily my grandmother (another grandmother, father side) has a few cantonese opera cassette tapes and I started listening to them.
Cantonese Opera continue to be my interests, with 帝女花 and 紫钗记 being my favourite. Below is the partial script for 紫钗记, a love story b/w a guy who picked up the purple hairpin dropped by the gal. (must read in cantonese)
小玉唱: 半遮面儿弄绛纱,半飞桃红泛赤霞。拾钗人会薄命花,钗贬洛阳价,落拓江都会司马。
小玉(白): 秀才还我钗。
李益唱: 此亦缘份也,他生缘份也。借钗作媒问,愿拜愿拜石榴裙,奉上珠钗定婚嫁。
小玉唱: 初见面两不相识到此实惊怕,羞听蝶恋花。历劫不可是千金价,落拓不配攀司马,亲恩不报未能受礼茶。
李益唱: 莫弃郎才华,风霜百劫李十郎未有家,仰慕你才华在衡阳曾独霸。
小玉唱: 偷忆诗中句,梦常伴柳街。心暗自爱慕他,莫非三生缘份也。自觉辛酸自惭被贬花,破落那堪共郎话。
李益唱: 休说被贬花,他朝托夫婿名望,终有日吐扬眉话。
小玉唱: 烟雨韶华,空对才华,惊怕命似秋霜风雨断爱芽,惊怕落拓笙歌空说玉有暇。唉!太羞家。
李益唱: 历劫珍珠不怕浪里沙,你嫁与我十郎罢。
小玉唱: 伴母深闺须奉茶。哎呀!我如何能便嫁。
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