I remember this was the topic for the final match of a year's 国际大专辩论会. cant remember who won but i kinda of like this topic. I always like to the get to the roots of the things n believe that having a good discussion over it will make things much clearer. undergraduate life seem to enforce this into my way of life.
Till I met my ex-gf....
Whenever we have disagreements, i will always ask her to sit down n we have a chat abt it, getting into the details and events to find out what is wrong, who is right. However, i realise that whatever the outcome, we got the right and wrong sorted out, but our relationship seem to get worse....
After that relationship, i change my mindset. Petty stuffs, right or wrong are not worth the efforts if feelings are hurt in the process. I start to learn to let things go. 知易行难 thou.
How i do it? by learning from the heart sutra. 般若波羅密多心經.
心无罣碍 无罣碍故 无有恐怖 远离颠倒梦想 究竟涅盘
melvin used the heart sutra for optimization, i used it for everyday life.
I memorized the heart sutra since army days. but i dont really understand the meanings, even went for a course on the heart sutra. I make it a point to chant the heart sutra thrice a day. That day, cant remember which day, think it was in yr 3, i was chanting the heart sutra when it dawn on me the meaning of this phrase. It is just so simple. (hopefully, that is what 禅宗说的顿禅). I was very happy over this.
Since then, letting things go become very simple. Thinking back, it come to no surprise now that I change from not sharing reports to sharing reports; from fighting for 1st class honour to not feeling very upset when i got 46/100 for optimization quiz. 不是不关心,而是不执着。
I used to fight over small things with my bro, agrueing who is right or wrong. things have been much better now. DH complain that he is forever giving in to his future wife, i told him that it is not worth the effort to get to the bottom of right n wrong n strain the relationship, for he truely love her.